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Home > Supplement > Eye protection > GNC 美國 GNC 越橘藍莓葉黃素護眼膠囊 60粒(成年人食用)
美國 GNC 越橘藍莓葉黃素護眼膠囊 60粒(成年人食用)
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– Concentrated anthocyanins, highly effective antioxidant
– Promote blood circulation in the eyes and enhance vision
– Relieves dryness and redness of eyes
– Filter blue light and ultraviolet rays to delay eye aging

GNC美國 GNC 越橘藍莓葉黃素護眼膠囊 60粒(成年人食用)


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– Concentrated anthocyanins, highly effective antioxidant
– Promote blood circulation in the eyes and enhance vision
– Relieves dryness and redness of eyes
– Filter blue light and ultraviolet rays to delay eye aging

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