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余仁生 保嬰丹 6粒*適合初生-2歲*
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余仁生 保嬰丹 6粒*適合初生-2歲*
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保嬰丹純粹由天然中藥製煉而成,對防治嬰孩疾病,確有功效 。本產品是由榮獲「香港中成藥生產質量管理規範」(HKGMP) 証書的余仁生 (香港) 有限公司生產,証明生產程序經過嚴格控制及監察,產品的製造及品質管理已達到極高的水平。












Bo Ying Compound is an ancient formula for young children. For generations, it has been a remedy for paediatric discomforts like restlessness at night, poor appetite, cold, cough, Phlegm, vomiting of milk, excessive air in the stomach and diarrhoea. It has been proven to be safe by the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and is a Traditional Chinese Medicine with mild yet effective properties.

Bo Ying Compound is generally known to be effective in aiding the treatment of paediatric illnesses. As quoted from the results of the Clinical Experiment for Treatment of Paediatric Cold with Eu Yan Sang Bo Ying Compound (an experiment conducted by DongZhiMen Hospital, the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and XiYuan Hospital, China Academy of TCM): “The overall effectiveness of Eu Yan Sang Bo Ying Compound in treating paediatric cold is 91.8%. It is more effective in paediatric fever, chill, stuffy nose, rhinorrhoea, and cough with Phlegm, sore throat with inflammation, red tongue and rapid pulse.”

Bo Ying compound is presently manufactured by our GMP factories and has been approved for sale in China since 1998. Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Ltd. is a HKGMP-certified manufacturer of Chinese medicinal products. The HKGMP award signifies a recognition of the excellent manufacturing practices and quality control for the production of Bo Ying Compound.

Dispel wind and clear away heat, eliminate phlegm and settle fright.

For children discomforts like slightly aversion to cold with fever, sneezing and nasal discharge, cough and phlegm, restlessness and crying at night caused by external contraction with internally exuberant phlegm-heat.

Recommended Dosage:
[Infants less than a month old] - half a bottle daily
[Infants one month to two years old] - one bottle daily
[Above two years old] - two bottles daily

To be swallowed with lukewarm water.

Precautions to be taken regarding its use:
Both the nursing mother and infant should avoid raw or cold, fishy, oily and heat-inducing food. This product is not to be taken by infants suffering from G-6-PD deficiency. This product is not suitable for long term use or should be used in accordance with a doctor's or a Chinese medicine practitioner's instruction.

Active Ingredients:
Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae, Radix Saposhnikoviae, Processed Ramulus Uncariae Cum Uncis, Pinelliae Rhizoma Praeparatum Cum Zingibere Et Alumine, Succinum, Processed Radix Curcumae, Concretio Silicea Bambusae, Processed Rhizoma Paridis, Herba Menthae, Arisaema Cum Bile, Periostracum Cicadae, Margarita Powder, etc.

Please store in a cool, dry place.


Fritillary fritillary, saposhnikovia, Uncaria (made from), ginger pinellia, amber, turmeric (made from vinegar), Tianzhu yellow, Chonglou (made from), mint, bile nanxing, cicada slough, pearl powder, etc.


2 rows per box, 3 bottles per row, 0.33g per bottle

余仁生 保嬰丹 6粒*適合初生-2歲*


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保嬰丹純粹由天然中藥製煉而成,對防治嬰孩疾病,確有功效 。本產品是由榮獲「香港中成藥生產質量管理規範」(HKGMP) 証書的余仁生 (香港) 有限公司生產,証明生產程序經過嚴格控制及監察,產品的製造及品質管理已達到極高的水平。












Bo Ying Compound is an ancient formula for young children. For generations, it has been a remedy for paediatric discomforts like restlessness at night, poor appetite, cold, cough, Phlegm, vomiting of milk, excessive air in the stomach and diarrhoea. It has been proven to be safe by the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and is a Traditional Chinese Medicine with mild yet effective properties.

Bo Ying Compound is generally known to be effective in aiding the treatment of paediatric illnesses. As quoted from the results of the Clinical Experiment for Treatment of Paediatric Cold with Eu Yan Sang Bo Ying Compound (an experiment conducted by DongZhiMen Hospital, the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and XiYuan Hospital, China Academy of TCM): “The overall effectiveness of Eu Yan Sang Bo Ying Compound in treating paediatric cold is 91.8%. It is more effective in paediatric fever, chill, stuffy nose, rhinorrhoea, and cough with Phlegm, sore throat with inflammation, red tongue and rapid pulse.”

Bo Ying compound is presently manufactured by our GMP factories and has been approved for sale in China since 1998. Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Ltd. is a HKGMP-certified manufacturer of Chinese medicinal products. The HKGMP award signifies a recognition of the excellent manufacturing practices and quality control for the production of Bo Ying Compound.

Dispel wind and clear away heat, eliminate phlegm and settle fright.

For children discomforts like slightly aversion to cold with fever, sneezing and nasal discharge, cough and phlegm, restlessness and crying at night caused by external contraction with internally exuberant phlegm-heat.

Recommended Dosage:
[Infants less than a month old] - half a bottle daily
[Infants one month to two years old] - one bottle daily
[Above two years old] - two bottles daily

To be swallowed with lukewarm water.

Precautions to be taken regarding its use:
Both the nursing mother and infant should avoid raw or cold, fishy, oily and heat-inducing food. This product is not to be taken by infants suffering from G-6-PD deficiency. This product is not suitable for long term use or should be used in accordance with a doctor's or a Chinese medicine practitioner's instruction.

Active Ingredients:
Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae, Radix Saposhnikoviae, Processed Ramulus Uncariae Cum Uncis, Pinelliae Rhizoma Praeparatum Cum Zingibere Et Alumine, Succinum, Processed Radix Curcumae, Concretio Silicea Bambusae, Processed Rhizoma Paridis, Herba Menthae, Arisaema Cum Bile, Periostracum Cicadae, Margarita Powder, etc.

Please store in a cool, dry place.


Fritillary fritillary, saposhnikovia, Uncaria (made from), ginger pinellia, amber, turmeric (made from vinegar), Tianzhu yellow, Chonglou (made from), mint, bile nanxing, cicada slough, pearl powder, etc.


2 rows per box, 3 bottles per row, 0.33g per bottle

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