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Home > Baby Accessories > Skin Care, Talcum, Powder, Moisturizing Lotion/Oil > California Baby 加州寶寶 California Baby 加洲寶寶 金盞花面霜6OZ 170G
California Baby 加洲寶寶 金盞花面霜6OZ 170G
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California Baby 加洲寶寶 金盞花面霜6OZ 170G
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  • Moisturize Dry, Sensitive Skin Great for babies, teens, and adults with allergy sensitivities, our calendula cream is gentle and vegan friendly.
  • Award-Winning Skincare Cream Formulated with essential oils, our calendula lotion features a beautiful, light scent of French lavender and clary sage.
  • Allergy Tested Formula A pure baby moisturizing cream, its soy, gluten, oat, dairy, and nut free (except coconut) to ensure its gentle on face, body, and sensitive bottoms.
  • Soothing Hydration Formulated with plant-based emollients and organic Aloe Vera, our baby cream is enriched with extra organic calendula extract for ever lasting support.
  • Developed by a mom. Family owned & operated. All California Baby products are blended & manufactured in California Babys own facility in Los Angeles, California.


This multi-award-winning cream is also a fan favorite. Thestar of the show is Calendula, a flower that’s been used to soothe skin forcenturies. To keep a watchful eye on this key ingredient, we grow our ownCalendula on our organic farm in California. We supercharge every product inour calendula collection with extra calendula extract, bringing you moresoothing relief in every jar. This powerful moisturizer is made with plant-based emollients, aloe vera, and no harsh chemicals, so it’s perfect for dry,sensitive, eczema-prone skin. It’s also non-greasy and absorbs quickly -leaving the skin feeling softer and more comfortable. Our scents are made frompure essential oils and zero of the unknown and unlisted chemicals that comewith synthetic fragrance. The light scent is a calming blend of Frenchlavender, clary sage, and, of course, calendula. This cruelty-free product isallergy tested and does not contain: gluten, soy, oats, dairy, or nuts (exceptcoconut) Free of: harsh chemicals, petroleum-derived ingredients, parabens,and synthetic fragrance.

  • 滋潤乾燥、敏感肌膚 我們的金盞花霜性質溫和,適合素食主義者,非常適合患有過敏症的嬰兒、青少年和成人。
  • 屢獲殊榮的護膚霜我們的金盞花乳液採用精油配製而成,具有法國薰衣草和快樂鼠尾草的美麗、淡淡的香味。
  • 經過過敏測試的配方 一款純嬰兒保濕霜,不含大豆、麩質、燕麥、乳製品和堅果(椰子除外),確保對臉部、身體和敏感臀部溫和。
  • 舒緩保濕 我們的嬰兒乳霜採用植物性潤膚劑和有機蘆薈配製而成,富含額外的有機金盞花萃取物,可提供持久的支撐。
  • 由媽媽開發。家族擁有和經營。所有 California Baby 產品均在 California Babys 位於加州洛杉磯的自有工廠混合製造。




California Baby 加州寶寶California Baby 加洲寶寶 金盞花面霜6OZ 170G


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  • Moisturize Dry, Sensitive Skin Great for babies, teens, and adults with allergy sensitivities, our calendula cream is gentle and vegan friendly.
  • Award-Winning Skincare Cream Formulated with essential oils, our calendula lotion features a beautiful, light scent of French lavender and clary sage.
  • Allergy Tested Formula A pure baby moisturizing cream, its soy, gluten, oat, dairy, and nut free (except coconut) to ensure its gentle on face, body, and sensitive bottoms.
  • Soothing Hydration Formulated with plant-based emollients and organic Aloe Vera, our baby cream is enriched with extra organic calendula extract for ever lasting support.
  • Developed by a mom. Family owned & operated. All California Baby products are blended & manufactured in California Babys own facility in Los Angeles, California.


This multi-award-winning cream is also a fan favorite. Thestar of the show is Calendula, a flower that’s been used to soothe skin forcenturies. To keep a watchful eye on this key ingredient, we grow our ownCalendula on our organic farm in California. We supercharge every product inour calendula collection with extra calendula extract, bringing you moresoothing relief in every jar. This powerful moisturizer is made with plant-based emollients, aloe vera, and no harsh chemicals, so it’s perfect for dry,sensitive, eczema-prone skin. It’s also non-greasy and absorbs quickly -leaving the skin feeling softer and more comfortable. Our scents are made frompure essential oils and zero of the unknown and unlisted chemicals that comewith synthetic fragrance. The light scent is a calming blend of Frenchlavender, clary sage, and, of course, calendula. This cruelty-free product isallergy tested and does not contain: gluten, soy, oats, dairy, or nuts (exceptcoconut) Free of: harsh chemicals, petroleum-derived ingredients, parabens,and synthetic fragrance.

  • 滋潤乾燥、敏感肌膚 我們的金盞花霜性質溫和,適合素食主義者,非常適合患有過敏症的嬰兒、青少年和成人。
  • 屢獲殊榮的護膚霜我們的金盞花乳液採用精油配製而成,具有法國薰衣草和快樂鼠尾草的美麗、淡淡的香味。
  • 經過過敏測試的配方 一款純嬰兒保濕霜,不含大豆、麩質、燕麥、乳製品和堅果(椰子除外),確保對臉部、身體和敏感臀部溫和。
  • 舒緩保濕 我們的嬰兒乳霜採用植物性潤膚劑和有機蘆薈配製而成,富含額外的有機金盞花萃取物,可提供持久的支撐。
  • 由媽媽開發。家族擁有和經營。所有 California Baby 產品均在 California Babys 位於加州洛杉磯的自有工廠混合製造。




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