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Home > Baby Accessories > Quilt, wrap, pillow, sleeping bag, scarf > Doomoo cocoon 豪華安睡睡窩 - 小熊家族
Doomoo cocoon 豪華安睡睡窩 - 小熊家族
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Doomoo cocoon 豪華安睡睡窩 - 小熊家族
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   This nest is super safe, cozy, comfortable and can be used during the day with the baby awake or even during naps.

It can be opened at the bottom, making it suitable for children from birth to 8 months, offers tailor-made space for baby and provides a secure feeling due to its safety belt.

Made with the softest materials, breathable 3D material around baby's head and has no strings or other small parts that can be dangerous to baby.

The belt is removable, allowing you to keep your baby comfortably on your back.

Doomoo cocoon 豪華安睡睡窩 - 小熊家族


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   This nest is super safe, cozy, comfortable and can be used during the day with the baby awake or even during naps.

It can be opened at the bottom, making it suitable for children from birth to 8 months, offers tailor-made space for baby and provides a secure feeling due to its safety belt.

Made with the softest materials, breathable 3D material around baby's head and has no strings or other small parts that can be dangerous to baby.

The belt is removable, allowing you to keep your baby comfortably on your back.

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