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Jabadabado 木製水果沙拉玩具
Jabadabado 木製水果沙拉玩具
Jabadabado 木製水果沙拉玩具
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Jabadabado 木製水果沙拉玩具
Jabadabado 木製水果沙拉玩具
Jabadabado 木製水果沙拉玩具
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Fruit salad with everything you need to enjoy a yummy fresh fruit salad! Replace your Friday coffe with this and it will be both healthier and tastier. Mix all the fruits in the fine wooden bowl and serve with whipped cream, strawberry jam and sprinkles. Serve with the fine salad cutlery that is included. You can also serve the fruits separately. Who can resist this!  Our salad set includes:1 pineapple slice 1 banana 1 strawberry 1 kiwi 1 melon slice 1 bunch of grapes 1 orange slice 1 whipped cream 1 strawberry jam 2 cutlery

Jabadabado Fruit Salad(2Y+)


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Fruit salad with everything you need to enjoy a yummy fresh fruit salad! Replace your Friday coffe with this and it will be both healthier and tastier. Mix all the fruits in the fine wooden bowl and serve with whipped cream, strawberry jam and sprinkles. Serve with the fine salad cutlery that is included. You can also serve the fruits separately. Who can resist this!  Our salad set includes:1 pineapple slice 1 banana 1 strawberry 1 kiwi 1 melon slice 1 bunch of grapes 1 orange slice 1 whipped cream 1 strawberry jam 2 cutlery

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