Swisse Ultiboost 鐵 + 益生菌是一種獨特的混合物,含有鐵氨基酸螯合物、一種對腸胃溫和的低便秘鐵和凝結芽孢桿菌,每天劑量可提供 20 億 CFU 益生菌。
這種鐵補充劑提供了緩解疲勞的整體方法。添加的維生素 C 可支持膳食鐵的吸收,使每片藥片都邁向健康一步。適合純素食者和素食者,每天一粒,飯中或飯後立即服用。
- 氨基酸鐵螯合物對胃溫和
- 20 億 CFU 凝結芽孢桿菌
- 緩解疲勞
- 含維生素 C,支持膳食鐵吸收
過敏原訊息 該產品含有大豆。
- 鐵(來自鐵氨基酸螯合物)20 毫克
- 維生素 C(抗壞血酸)16.5 毫克
- 凝結芽孢桿菌(MTCC 編號 5260)(Unique IS2™)20 億 CFU
- 僅供成人使用。
- 不適合兒童。
- 凝結芽孢桿菌可能會影響某些藥物的作用方式,包括免疫抑制劑。
- 在與其他藥物一起服用之前,請諮詢您的健康專家。
- 不適用於治療缺鐵性疾病。
- 維生素和礦物質補充劑不應取代均衡飲食。
- 如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家。
- 這種藥可能不適合您。購買前請務必閱讀標籤和任何警告。請遵循使用說明。如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家。只有當飲食攝取不足時,補充劑可能才有幫助。
存放在 30°C 以下的陰涼乾燥處。
Meet Swisse Ultiboost Iron + Probiotic, a unique blend featuring iron amino acid chelate, a low-constipation form of iron which is gentle-on-the-stomach and bacillus coagulans, delivering 2 billion CFU of probiotics per daily dose. This iron supplement offers a holistic approach to relieving tiredness and fatigue. The added vitamin C supports the absorption of dietary iron, making every tablet a step towards health. Suitable for vegans and vegetarians, take one tablet a day during or directly after a meal.
- Iron amino acid chelate is gentle on the stomach
- 2 billion CFU of Bacillus coagulans
- Relieves tiredness and fatigue
- Includes vitamin C to support dietary iron absorption
Allergen Information
The product contains soya beans.
Each film coated tablet contains:
- Iron (from iron amino acid chelate) 20 mg
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 16.5 mg
- Bacillus coagulans (MTCC No. 5260) (Unique IS2™) 2 billion CFU
Adult Dosage:
One tablet daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
- For adult use only.
- Not suitable for children.
- Bacillus coagulans may affect the way some medicines work, including immunosuppressants.
- Consult your health professional before taking with other medicines.
- Not for the treatment of iron deficiency conditions.
- Vitamin & mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.
- If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.
- This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label and any warnings before purchase. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
Store below 30°C in a cool, dry place.
Original Price
Swisse Ultiboost 鐵 + 益生菌是一種獨特的混合物,含有鐵氨基酸螯合物、一種對腸胃溫和的低便秘鐵和凝結芽孢桿菌,每天劑量可提供 20 億 CFU 益生菌。
這種鐵補充劑提供了緩解疲勞的整體方法。添加的維生素 C 可支持膳食鐵的吸收,使每片藥片都邁向健康一步。適合純素食者和素食者,每天一粒,飯中或飯後立即服用。
- 氨基酸鐵螯合物對胃溫和
- 20 億 CFU 凝結芽孢桿菌
- 緩解疲勞
- 含維生素 C,支持膳食鐵吸收
過敏原訊息 該產品含有大豆。
- 鐵(來自鐵氨基酸螯合物)20 毫克
- 維生素 C(抗壞血酸)16.5 毫克
- 凝結芽孢桿菌(MTCC 編號 5260)(Unique IS2™)20 億 CFU
- 僅供成人使用。
- 不適合兒童。
- 凝結芽孢桿菌可能會影響某些藥物的作用方式,包括免疫抑制劑。
- 在與其他藥物一起服用之前,請諮詢您的健康專家。
- 不適用於治療缺鐵性疾病。
- 維生素和礦物質補充劑不應取代均衡飲食。
- 如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家。
- 這種藥可能不適合您。購買前請務必閱讀標籤和任何警告。請遵循使用說明。如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家。只有當飲食攝取不足時,補充劑可能才有幫助。
存放在 30°C 以下的陰涼乾燥處。
Meet Swisse Ultiboost Iron + Probiotic, a unique blend featuring iron amino acid chelate, a low-constipation form of iron which is gentle-on-the-stomach and bacillus coagulans, delivering 2 billion CFU of probiotics per daily dose. This iron supplement offers a holistic approach to relieving tiredness and fatigue. The added vitamin C supports the absorption of dietary iron, making every tablet a step towards health. Suitable for vegans and vegetarians, take one tablet a day during or directly after a meal.
- Iron amino acid chelate is gentle on the stomach
- 2 billion CFU of Bacillus coagulans
- Relieves tiredness and fatigue
- Includes vitamin C to support dietary iron absorption
Allergen Information
The product contains soya beans.
Each film coated tablet contains:
- Iron (from iron amino acid chelate) 20 mg
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 16.5 mg
- Bacillus coagulans (MTCC No. 5260) (Unique IS2™) 2 billion CFU
Adult Dosage:
One tablet daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
- For adult use only.
- Not suitable for children.
- Bacillus coagulans may affect the way some medicines work, including immunosuppressants.
- Consult your health professional before taking with other medicines.
- Not for the treatment of iron deficiency conditions.
- Vitamin & mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.
- If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.
- This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label and any warnings before purchase. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
Store below 30°C in a cool, dry place.